Lara Haehle
I look back on my experience fondly and cherish East, especially its diverse studentbody. My only regret is not getting to know more of my classmates. Hope I can get to that now.

I've had a lot of adventures the past 30 years. In my career, I've worked in music for X96, Sony Music and Graywhale and have lots of good stories. I spent a few hectic but enjoyable years at the Salt Lake City Weekly, then spent a few years in telecommunications. After moving to Oregon I worked at digital agencies and now as a freelance content and communications consultant running my own little agency.

Eleven years ago I followed family and my heart to the Portland, Oregon area and love it here, but miss my friends and family in Utah. I never had children of my own, but I've been lucky to fill the role of supplemental parent of four amazing kids and auntie to six nephews. I live with my partner in a cozy townhouse next to a bird sanctuary, surrounded by people and nature. I love Oregon, although I miss Salt Lake and my friends and family there, and wish it was a lot closer.

Pictures: then: me with one of my favorite Sony/4AD artists Ultra Vivid Scene and their tour manager (who also tour managed the Pixies and the Breeders) at Club DV8 (in Salt Lake City) | now: me with my main client's partner rallycross driver & Hoonigans team member Steve Arpin (in Seattle)
Visit me at:
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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